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Why do you use QEPPs and not Bovis units?

The Bovis unit is a measurement unit for life energies, handed down by Alfred Bovis, a French physicist. This unit serves to measure the strength of a hypothetical life or subtle energy. The Bovis units range from 0 to 10,000, with 6,500 units considered neutral.

Bovis units are measured using a pendulum or biotensor. The measurement is carried out by experienced radiesthesists, energeticists, and kinesiologists.

In a small research study, we found that 10 different radiesthesists, energeticists, and kinesiologists measured completely different Bovis units for the same energy product of 10 QEPPs. These were in a measurement range between 8,000 and over one million Bovis units. This led us to conclude that this unit of measurement is rather individual and not a reliable value.

Therefore, we have developed our own method using QEPPs, Quantum Energy Power Points, to provide a reliable measure to the community with which they can compare their experiences.

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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