Articles on: FAQs CUBE

Who can all use the Cube?

The Cube is basically registered to one person, and only this person can purchase an upgrade for energy or an upgrade for frequencies. This allows the owner to add frequencies to the Cube and increase the energy of the Cube.
The swiping process, i.e. quantum entangling objects with the quantum field, can be performed by anyone. This means that friends and relatives who come to visit can bring products from their home and swipe them through the Cube. These products then automatically contain the energy output and frequencies that are set in the Cube at the moment of the swiping process.
After the object has been swiped, only the owner of the Cube, if they have an Energy Upgrade and a Frequency Upgrade, can change the frequencies and energy level of the object that was swiped. So if a visitor comes to your home and swipes a cup, for example, and then goes home and wants to change this cup in energy output or frequencies at home, that's not possible. The Cube owner would have to go to the cup to change something or the cup would have to come back to the Cube owner.
So only the Cube owner is truly master over energy and frequencies in matter.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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