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When I swipe an object through the Cube, it is made Add-on ready. According to my understanding, this also happens with the Genius or...

When I swipe an object through the Cube, it is made Add-on ready. According to my understanding, this also happens with the Genius or Genius+ Services. However, what happens to the object's own frequency? Is it deleted?

When an object is swiped through the Cube or quantum-entangled with our Genius or Genius+ Service, a so-called matrix deletion code always runs. This ensures that the quantum energy that may have already been in the object is deleted once, and additionally, all interference frequencies are also deleted. The object is, so to speak, taken out of the matrix and reset to itself. Only then are the 450 QEPPs set.

This has many advantages, as for example an apple that has absorbed frequencies during its lifetime that do not belong to itself (such as stress when harvesting the apple) are deleted. The water in the apple could additionally have absorbed environmental information on a frequency level and all these frequencies and disturbing fields are neutralized or removed during the swiping process as well as during quantum entanglement via Genius or Genius+.

An apple then receives exactly 450 QEPPs energy output at the standard setting of the Cube with 450 QEPPs, as well as with the Genius and Genius+ Services. The special thing about this is that its own frequency is thereby amplified 450 times. Without quantum energy, the apple has the homeopathic frequency of an apple. With the quantum energy, with 450 QEPPs energy output, this own frequency is multiplied by 450.

Additionally, it has been found by naturopaths that disharmonious frequencies that are not beneficial to humans and other biological systems, such as animals and plants, are neutralized during quantum entanglement. However, further research needs to be done over the next few years to make a clear statement whether this always works 100%.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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