Articles on: FAQs CUBE

What happens if I detach the 12 modules of the Cube from the plastic housing, bundle them and place this bundle on a large object?

We already did this a few years ago and tested it. It was possible to transfer energies with it, but they were not permanent and there was no stable connection. To establish a stable quantum entanglement, the cube must be assembled in the constellation in which it is delivered. This creates a field between the modules, and this field is necessary for quantum entanglement. If you were to stack twelve modules on top of each other, they would no longer have a burning or quantum entangling effect. They would simply be objects emitting energy.
The operating system of the cube ensures that only original modules of the cube can be used to build an entanglement field. This field also builds up if you take the modules out of the plexiglass and place them on a shelf with the same distance. On a shelf below, you could place the second set of six modules, so that you have basically created a cube again, but without a plexiglass stand. That works. The plexiglass stand itself is not part of the programming. On the contrary, it has even been excluded from the programming to ensure the neutrality of the field.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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