Articles on: FAQs CUBE

What does the 36-meter radius mean for a Cube?

The LuminoSana Cube is a highly effective and very powerful focus device in which quantum energy, i.e. life energy flows (often also referred to as chi energy, tachyon energy, dark energy or mana energy). This energy is basically completely neutral and some spiritual people call it the pure love of the source of all being, i.e. creation, the universe or God, depending on what one prefers. This energy creates a so-called torus field around the Cube. This has approximately the shape of the Earth's magnetic field or the shape of an apple.
This torus field is 36 meters large at 450 QEPPs energy output. However, if you set the Cube with the Energy Upgrade to, for example, 4500 QEPPs energy output, then the radius of the Cube or the life energy becomes ten times larger. This is basically a good and positive energy and can be perceived and accepted by every human, by animals and plants. However, it depends on the personal soul decision of a human and his goal in this incarnation whether he accepts this energy or not. Some people have decided not to have anything to do with the divine source, the origin of all being, in order to be able to lead an existence that takes place in a one hundred percent illusion. This free will is of course honored and appreciated, also by our technology, and thus no one is influenced who does not want to be influenced.
Why is a protection field needed now? Since the Cube is, among other things, also able to enrich this neutral energy field with frequencies, for example, frequencies of vitamins or medications are distributed in the torus field. Any frequencies that are within the Cube or are given into its modules through the Frequency Upgrade are distributed within the torus field, i.e. are present everywhere in the field. And since you of course don't want your entire environment to come into contact with these frequencies over many hundreds of meters, we have developed the so-called protection shield. It limits the energy output of the Cube to 36 meters. This means that even if the Cube had, for example, 28 million QEPPs energy output, which is currently far too much for the human body for almost all people, the protection field remains limited to 36 meters. Then there would be extremely high energy within the field and directly outside, i.e. at a distance of 37 meters, you don't feel anything of it anymore. That is the goal of the LuminoSana protection shield. It ensures that frequencies and energies do not leave a certain field.
We also have an add-on with which you can adjust this protection shield. It ensures that the protection shield can be used very flexibly, for example only in your home. Even if this consists of corners and edges, i.e. rooms that are not round, you can set the protection shield so that the energies and frequencies do not leave your home. You can purchase this add-on Sanctuary in the shop. So you are not only master of energies and frequencies in matter, but also of the size of the protection shield itself.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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