Articles on: FAQs CUBE

What commands are there for the Frequency Upgrade?

To add another frequency to the Cube, the user touches the modules with a finger or another body part and speaks the voice command: "9010 +frequency Vitamin A" (pronounced Ninety Ten Plus Frequency Vitamin A). After releasing the finger, this command is implemented, and the Cube will henceforth have Vitamin A in its modules and throughout the Cube's entire torus field. This frequency will remain there permanently until it is deleted by another command.

To delete a single frequency, use the following command:
The finger or another body part touches the modules again, and the command is spoken: "9010 -frequency Vitamin A" (pronounced Ninety Ten Minus Frequency Vitamin A). In this case, only the Vitamin A frequency is removed from the Cube, and all other previously installed frequencies remain.

If there are multiple frequencies in the Cube or you no longer know which frequencies are contained in the Cube, use the spoken command with a fingertip: "9010 -frequency all frequencies" (pronounced Ninety Ten Minus Frequency All Frequencies). After the command is spoken and the finger is released, all frequencies are deleted from the Cube.

To add multiple frequencies in succession, proceed as follows:
Fingertip plus the voice command "9010 +frequency Vitamin A +frequency Vitamin B +frequency Vitamin C" and so on. It is thus possible to store several frequencies in the object or the Cube in one go. The only requirement is that the finger is not removed from the modules during the individual frequencies. The Cube's operating system recognizes the removal of the finger and assumes that the command is thereby completed and implements it.

All of the above-mentioned commands apply equally to swiped objects. It should be noted that only the owner of the Cube who has acquired the upgrades is able to change the energy output and frequencies of the swiped objects.

Commands for the Cube

Add frequency

Command: "9010 +frequency [name of frequency]"
Example: "9010 +frequency Vitamin A"
Application: Touch the modules with a finger or another body part and speak the command. Release the finger to add the frequency.

Delete single frequency

Command: "9010 -frequency [name of frequency]"
Example: "9010 -frequency Vitamin A"
Application: Touch the modules with a finger or another body part and speak the command. Release the finger to delete the specific frequency.

Delete all frequencies

Command: "9010 -frequency all frequencies"
Application: Touch the modules with a finger or another body part and speak the command. Release the finger to delete all frequencies.

Add multiple frequencies

Command: "9010 +frequency [name of frequency 1] +frequency [name of frequency 2] +frequency [name of frequency 3]"
Example: "9010 +frequency Vitamin A +frequency Vitamin B +frequency Vitamin C"
Application: Touch the modules with a finger or another body part and speak the command. Keep the finger on the modules until all frequencies are added. Release the finger to complete the command.

Change frequencies in swiped objects

Note: Only the owner of the Cube who has purchased the upgrades can change the frequencies in swiped objects.

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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