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Quantum Energy for Livestock Watering: What solutions for livestock watering system activation does LuminoSana offer?

The most effective solution is to entangle the water tank containing all the water with the quantum field via our quantum network. A photo of the water tank is taken and uploaded to our network. At this moment, an operating system we have written is activated in the water tank. This operating system ensures that the basic energy of 450 QEPPs energy output prevails throughout the entire water tank. All the water is thus infused with quantum energy. The longer the water matures in the water tank, the more intense the effect on the water becomes.
The crystallization of the water, i.e. the cellular availability, is achieved within a few seconds. Nevertheless, the water will continue to optimize itself over a longer period and absorb more and more quantum energy. In addition to the water tank itself, we recommend quantum-physically refining the main outlet spout, i.e. the point where the water leaves the water tank. Depending on the size of the water pipe, this can be done either through a LuminoSana Cube or again by uploading a photo to our quantum network. A special operating system is then installed for this water pipe as well, ensuring that the water pipe supplies the water optimally with positive energy.

Distribution pipes: Usually, thinner distribution pipes branch off from this point, distributing the water to the individual drinking troughs in the stables. These individual pipes could and should be photographed at every point, if possible in a 2-meter rhythm. So every two meters, a photo is taken and uploaded to our quantum network. This ensures permanent entanglement and maintains focus on these parts of the water pipeline.

Finally, LuminoSana offers a special service for drinking troughs. Here too, there are two options: Either the Cube is swiped over the drinking trough or a photo of the drinking trough is uploaded to our quantum network. The quantum operating system installed in this way can then be enriched with special add-ons that also make the water trough intelligent. A very successful add-on is the animal feed add-on, which also relates to water. It is already available at LuminoSana and is an ideal complement.
The add-on is for the water trough itself, but can also be used for feed in feed bowls or larger feed buckets.

For all quantum-entangled areas such as the water tank, the outlet spout, the water supply lines, and the drinking trough, special add-ons can be developed and installed by the owner to get the best out of the animals. Individual add-ons can be developed by LuminoSana together with the stable owner to supply the animals with vitamins, minerals, and other frequencies that help the animals maintain their self-healing permanently, depending on the type of animal.

Additionally, these intelligent add-ons offer the possibility to support the animals in coping better with their living situation. Aggressive behavior, food envy, and other problems caused by housing conditions can be greatly mitigated as a result.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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