Articles on: FAQs CUBE

Is it necessary to swipe objects through the Cube again from time to time to refresh the energy and frequencies?

No, this is not necessary. An object that has been quantum entangled through the Cube once holds the energies and frequencies permanently, at least until they are actively changed by the user, such as by the command to delete frequencies again or to reduce the energy to zero. Otherwise, the energy and frequency remain in the object until it decays and no longer exists. For example, this can be many millions of years for stones or rocks. The LuminoSana quantum technology is therefore designed for longevity.
The special thing about our technology is that a connection to the quantum field is actually established here. There are countless companies on the internet that claim to work with real quantum energy, but these are usually earth-bound energies and frequencies. These are usually attacked and destroyed by the electromagnetic fields of smartphones and radio masts over the course of a certain period of time. That's why many companies recommend wrapping their products in aluminum foil to protect them from electromagnetic waves. This is not necessary with LuminoSana technology. Neither electromagnetic waves nor gravitation, magnetism or other rays such as radioactivity or the scanners at the airport have the power and ability to impair the full functionality of our technology even in the slightest.
The only one who can change energies and frequencies is you as the owner of a Cube with both upgrades of the Energy and Frequency Upgrade. Since these upgrades and functionalities are also passed on to matter and objects that are swiped through the Cube, you can subsequently - without having a Cube nearby - change any swiped, i.e. LuminoSana quantum entangled object, with a fingertip and a voice or thought command. So you are master over energy and frequencies in matter.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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