Articles on: FAQs CUBE

If I say I'm burning these frequencies into the frequency name Crystal Mix by [MyFirstName MyLastName], does that work?

Yes, that works. Your frequency then has the name "Crystal Mix by [YourFirstName YourLastName]". But you don't have to use your name at all.
When you create a frequency, you can simply say, I'm burning this frequency with the frequency name "Crystal Mix". The quantum space of course knows that you created this frequency and it will thus be made available to you. Only when someone else wants to use your frequency, they have to say your manufacturer name by saying "9010 Plus Frequency Crystal Mix by [YourFirstName YourLastName]".

So you can fully concentrate on the best possible names that come to your mind. Your name doesn't need to be added there.
Names make sense if you have a larger family and create different frequencies for your family that should have the same name, such as: "Vitamins for Thomas" and "Vitamins for Sofia".
For example, you could create several vitamin frequencies for your daughter or son, and each frequency then has the appropriate frequencies for that person that you predetermined, so that the family uses the right vitamin frequency, you can simply add names to them.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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