Articles on: FAQs CUBE

If I pull a bottle through the Cube and set the Cube to 450,000 QEPPs beforehand, does the bottle and the water in it then have ...

If I pull a bottle through the Cube and set the Cube to 450,000 QEPPs beforehand, does the bottle and the water in it then have 450,000 QEPPs afterwards? And if I keep refilling the bottle, does the water always have 450,000 QEPPs energy output again?

When you pull a bottle through the Cube and the Cube is set higher than 280,000 QEPPs energy output, the bottle will receive a maximum of 280,000 QEPPs energy output. The bottle is then entangled with the quantum field and always and permanently receives the energy output of 280,000 QEPPs. If you fill water into the bottle, it will also be charged with this amount of energy.
You can then use the bottle as long as it lasts and the energy of 280,000 QEPPs will never decrease, because with the swiping process, a quantum operating system has been installed in the bottle that tells the quantum space that this bottle must always have 280,000 QEPPs and the quantum space ensures that this high energy number is always given. Even if environmental influences try to disturb the bottle or the energy output of the bottle, be it through gravitational fields, magnetism, electromagnetic waves or through radioactivity, whatever tries to disturb the connection, it doesn't matter for the bottle. It will always maintain the 280,000 QEPPs 100% as long as it is a bottle.
Only when it falls on the floor and shatters, then it is no longer a bottle and the individual shards then have zero QEPPs energy output. Currently, the operating system of the Cube is set so that each swiped object can hold a maximum of 280,000 QEPPs. This was done because you have many individual objects in your environment and they multiply each other.
Drinking water with 280,000 QEPPs will most likely also result in a very high detoxification. This must be drunk with great care. It's better to start with 450 QEPPs and work your way up piece by piece.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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