Articles on: FAQs CUBE

If I have swiped a crystal through the Cube and have the Energy and Frequency Upgrade, how can I remove interfering frequencies from my ...

If I have swiped a crystal through the Cube and have the Energy and Frequency Upgrade, how can I remove interfering frequencies from my crystal?

First, it is ideal to integrate the clearance frequency into it during the first (or immediately after the first) swiping process. Because your crystal is able to accept commands from you through swiping. You do this by tapping the crystal with your finger and saying: Ninety Ten Plus Frequency CLE9010A. After that, your crystal is prepared in such a way that it can no longer absorb foreign energies.

This means you can use the crystal in a client session, you can carry it around with you for years, it will never be contaminated. If you still feel the need to erase all frequencies from it, you can simply do this with another fingertip by saying: Ninety Ten Minus Frequency All Frequencies. Then all frequencies it may have absorbed, even if this should not be the case due to the clearance frequency, will be removed, including the clearance frequency itself.

After that, you would have to reinstall this to protect the crystal by tapping it again with your finger and saying: Ninety Ten Plus Frequency CLE9010A. Then your crystal is energetically cleansed and has the clearance frequency setup again. If you don't want to use the clearance frequency, you can of course simply touch the stone with a fingertip every evening, for example, and say: Ninety Ten Minus Frequency All Frequencies. It is then completely cleansed and radiates with its own power at its own vibration frequency.
This will of course never be deleted. If you use a rose quartz and clean it by saying: Ninety Ten Minus Frequency All Frequencies, then afterwards you have a rose quartz that works enhanced as a rose quartz with the rose quartz frequency through the quantum energy you have stored in it. So you can screw the inherent frequency of your crystal up and down by freely determining the energy output of your crystal with the Energy Upgrade. At a QEPP or zero QEPPs, it is in its normal state and at 10 QEPPs, it is ten times stronger in its frequency output.
You will quickly notice this. So you shouldn't start with 5,000 or 10,000 QEPPs right away. This can influence the body's energy system so extremely that it needs several days of recovery. So please be careful with these crystals. Many naturopaths say they are living entities and should not be overstressed.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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