Articles on: FAQs CUBE

If a person is not feeling well and I want to help them with the Cube over a certain distance, can I put a photo of this person in the Cube?

This indeed works very well. We have found that with us and almost all other technologies that work with similar processes, only a 10 percent portion of the original energy arrives at the recipient. Nevertheless, you can work very well with it.
Please remember that when you put pictures in the Cube, everything in the Cube gets energy. If there is another person, a tree or a house in the background, they also receive energy while the picture is in the Cube.
To achieve an optimal result, it is helpful to print out a photo and write the first and last name as well as the date of birth of the person on the back of the photo. Additionally, it helps if you explain the problem or its solution, for example by writing on the back: complete resolution of headaches for XYZ or neutralization of knee pain in the left knee. These are all positive affirmations that tell the quantum energy and the Cube where the energies and frequencies should optimally work for the corresponding person.
Additionally, you can send frequencies by simply writing various frequencies on the photo, for example pain-relieving or healing frequencies.
Jon Doe, 01/21/1998
Resolution of the cause and pain in the left shoulder.
Support and resolution of the trauma from the riding accident on January 27, 2024.
Sending the frequency PAI9010N into the left shoulder.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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