Articles on: FAQs CUBE

I have a Yanoli bracelet and I'm looking for something that gives me more peace, but I don't know where to find it?

Since your bracelet is not yet entangled with our technology, you can currently only quantum entangle it through the swipe process through a LuminoSanaCube. This process installs a quantum operating system in your bracelet and from that moment on it is Add-on-ready (prepared for extensions).

If you know someone who owns a Cube, you can swipe your bracelet through the Cube's field. This entangles it and installs the operating system. We at LuminoSana currently do not offer a Genius or Genius Plus service that entangles a bracelet or a ring or other jewelry.

Currently, we only have a pendant as a product. However, it is absolutely necessary to upload a pendant as an image. You cannot upload a ring or a bracelet and hope it will be entangled. Our technology doesn't work that way.

We have developed a quantum language that precisely defines which object can be uploaded. However, we plan to make more products in the jewelry sector accessible to users during the course of this year.

So once your bracelet is quantum entangled with our technology, you can purchase the Peace Add-on, for example, which is specifically designed for inner peace and very successful in the community.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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