Articles on: FAQs CUBE

I created Don's recipe of 40+ herbs for Sight Care. I touched the swiped object and said: 9010 plus Frequency German Chamomile - plus ...

I created Don's recipe of 40+ herbs for Sight Care. I touched the swiped object and said: 9010 plus Frequency German Chamomile - Plus Frequency (name of the second herb) and so on until all herbs were named. Then I created a custom master frequency by saying 9010 and burning these frequencies into the name EYE01DH. I think I understood this part. Now I swipe all objects through the Cube and entangle them with this master frequency?

You did it exactly right. First, you inserted all frequencies into the cube by naming them individually. It's important that you always touched one of the modules with your finger or another body part while doing this. After that, you release your finger once to complete the process. Then you touch one of the modules again with a finger or another body part and say the command to save all frequencies under a specific name "9010 I burn these frequencies under the name EYE01DH". It's really that simple.
And the best part is that now we can all use your frequency by tapping on the modules of our cubes and giving the following command: "9010 plus Frequency EYE01DH by Betty Salvatori". And we can use your frequency. Thank you!

Depending on the success of the frequency, someone might also consider adding another ingredient. One would do this as follows: One integrates your frequency EYE01DH by Betty Salvatori into the cube. Then one adds one's own frequency, for example HEA9010L. After this has been done, one can create a new master frequency from these two frequencies, which one could also name, like the first frequency you used, i.e. EYE01DH.

There are then two different frequencies: your original frequency EYE01DH with the 40 herbs and a second frequency with the same name, with the 40 herbs and an additional frequency HEA9010L.

The quantum field distinguishes these two frequencies by assigning them directly to the owner during production. That's why third parties, like me, can use your frequency or that of another person by simply adding their first and last name at the end, like EYE01DH by Betty Salvatori.

Updated on: 23/07/2024

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