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How can I use the Abundance add-on, also called Abundance, for my business purposes?

Currently, this add-on is actually only designed to attract abundance for you privately, but it can also be used for business matters through a small trick. At least this is an idea and worth a try.
The trick: Write your business or the way you conduct business on a piece of paper. Write about what kind of customers you want to attract and for which clientele you have perfect solutions, so that when they come to you, their wishes are also fulfilled. Fold this letter and pull it once through the field of the Cube. Just this alone brings a considerable boost of energy to your business, so be mindful of the amount of energy (QEPPs) you put into it.

If you have installed the Energy Upgrade, you can take the letter between your fingers at any time and increase or decrease the energy. Your letter is then quantum-entangled and of course also Add-on ready. This means that you can also use the Abundance add-on. Whether this trick actually has an effect on the information written in the paper, we have not yet researched.
Basically, the add-on was configured to bring you abundance as a human being. And it's not just designed for abundance in the material sense. That too, but by and large it takes care of the whole area of abundance. This can be the abundance of truth, this can be the abundance of affection, the abundance of love, the abundance of insight, the abundance of synchronicities to achieve goals in life. So the Abundance add-on is much more than the abundance of financial wealth.

Of course, you can also add frequencies. If you have the frequency upgrade, provide your swiped paper with frequencies. This can be, for example, the frequency "I am the perfect solution for the people who find me now with this business" or something similar.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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