Articles on: FAQs Technology

How can I measure QEPPs and how has LuminoSana measured QEPPs?

QEPPs cannot be measured. It is not a measurable unit. QEPP stands for Quantum Energy Power Points and is used by us to differentiate the energy output of our products. One QEPP corresponds to the energy strength of homeopathy, and 100 QEPPs is thus 100 times stronger than a homeopathic frequency.

It's really important to understand that quantum energy cannot be measured at present. Research can only be conducted through the body. We have carried this out several times in recent years, and there are already three scientific studies that have been made available to the scientific community in renowned scientific journals.

Here are the relevant links to the research and studies:

Study 1 on the Healing Pod:

Study 2 on the Cube:

Study 3 on the first book made of intelligent matter:

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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