Articles on: FAQs CUBE

How can I convert my feelings into a frequency?

For this you need a Cube. Your feelings can be excellently stored in a glass of water. To do this, first hold the glass between your hands in front of your chest, close your eyes and visualize the feeling you want to store. Mentally send this feeling into the water. After two to three minutes of focusing, the water has absorbed your feeling and is ready to be placed in the Cube.

When you now swipe a piece of paper through the field of the Cube, the frequency from the glass of water, your feeling, is transferred to the paper, with the energy output set in the Cube.
After the swiping process, you now have a piece of paper with the frequency of your feeling. Label the paper so you always know which frequency you have stored in it. You can now place this paper in the Cube at any time and swipe an object through it. The object stores the frequency of your feeling. With a frequency upgrade, you can even store the frequency in the name itself using a voice command. This is how you create a so-called master frequency. You can then write this frequency name on a LuminoSana Card or use it elsewhere.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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