Articles on: FAQs CUBE

Can you use two Cubes simultaneously at home or do they interfere with each other?

There is a clear and very simple answer to this: They don't interfere with each other, they complement each other.
It's a bit like two people who are completely in love with each other. Together, their energy field is even stronger. Exactly the same thing happens with the Cubes.
So you can easily use two silver Cubes or two gold Cubes together. The combination of one silver and one gold Cube also works fantastically. Although it could be that the gold Cube also radiates its frequency into the field of the silver one and the silver one is then no longer 100% neutral, but carries a hint of gold, although this effect only happens if the gold Cube reaches into the energy field of the silver one. If the gold Cube is set to 0 QEPPs, the silver Cube is immediately 100% neutral again.
In any case, it is possible to set both Cubes differently. One Cube, for example, could run at 450 QEPPs to energize objects and products for friends or acquaintances. And the other Cube could stand in a room with a bed to run there overnight with perhaps 10,000 QEPPs.
Even if people need a little time at the beginning to get the body used to the high energy, it is also possible to sleep through the night with 100,000 or 200,000 QEPPs in the bedroom and feel absolutely comfortable. It just takes a little time to get used to it.
You are working here with the clearest and purest energy currently available. Enjoy it and enjoy it, even in double pack.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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