Articles on: FAQs CUBE

Can the cube read affirmations in whole sentences, like my aura upgrades clears and cleanses itself?

The frequencies that want to be used in the cube can be written on a piece of paper. If this paper is placed in the field during the swiping process, the frequency noted on it is entangled with the object. In other words, it is added to the swiped object. The length of the noted frequency does not matter for the cube. Theoretically, it can even consist of several sentences, as long as it clearly revolves around a frequency. The frequencies must be clearly and unambiguously formulated.

It's best to test the understandability with another person. If you read the paper to another person and they understand what frequency it is, then the Cube will understand it too. This is a general rule of thumb that makes it easier to create complex frequencies.

If you have the Frequency Upgrade installed in your Cube, instead of writing the frequency on a sheet of paper, you can integrate it directly into the Cube by tapping one of the modules with your finger or touching the module with another body part and then saying "9010 plus Frequency XYZ". Since this upgrade is also inherited by all swiped products, it is also possible to add this frequency to a swiped product afterwards, for example a cup, a wristwatch or your own shoes, using the same command.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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