Articles on: FAQs CUBE

Can I write my own codings?

Some people have tried to write their own codings and put them into the Cube. This is currently not possible in the present configuration of the operating system. This has been deactivated for security reasons, because some users underestimate this technology and sometimes also try to circumvent our protective measures with their own codes. So putting codings into the Cube is not possible, or rather it is possible, but they are not executed.
If someone still feels that the codes have an effect, then that's due to themselves. One's own consciousness is of course capable of doing the same thing that a Cube does. The LuminoSana technology is meant to be a bridge for you to recognize what you yourself are capable of. And if someone writes down a code, their consciousness is already linked to it. And the more powerful a soul is or a person who writes this code for someone else, the more intensely it works for the other person.
Scientific research over the last decades has shown this extensively. These are essentially prayers for other people. And yes, it works. And yes, everyone should use it. And yes, it should remind you of who you really are.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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