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At LuminoSana, you always talk about quantum energy. What kind of energy is that actually? It's not electricity, is it?

When we at LuminoSana talk about quantum energy, we're referring to a concept that goes beyond the traditional physical definition of energy. It's a form of energy described by terms like life energy, chi, or mana, which come from various cultural and spiritual traditions. These forms of energy are not directly comparable to electrical current.

LuminoSana Quantum Technology is based on the principle of quantum entanglement, which establishes a connection between matter and the quantum field. This makes it possible to charge objects with quantum energy without the need for batteries or electricity. We use the concept of zero-point energy, a form of energy that exists in quantum physics even at absolute zero.

Although the scientific community does not recognize the existence and functioning of life energy, chi, or mana, LuminoSana technology offers the possibility to define and adjust the energy output of objects. Users of the Cube can freely set the energy output in QEPPs (Quantum Energy Power Points) with an energy upgrade. This adjustment is done through simple operation by fingertip and voice command.

Note that the concepts and applications of LuminoSana Quantum Technology described here are not recognized by traditional science and differ from established physical theories. Nevertheless, three scientific articles on LuminoSana research have already been published in scientific journals and presented to the scientific community for discussion. These studies claimed that quantum energy has the potential to heal cells up to 4 times faster than other methods. However, these results should be considered preliminary until confirmed by further independent studies.

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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