Articles on: FAQs CUBE

Are there safety measures and recommendations for use?

Swiped objects have a maximum energy output of 280,000 QEPPs, even if the Cube is set higher. This prevents too strong an overlay of the energy fields of multiple objects. Beginners should start with low values (e.g. 450 QEPPs) and slowly increase.
We have also built in protective measures that are specifically written for situations where a photo of a person is placed in the Cube and problematic objects like a nuclear power plant are in the background.
This also applies to medications. Most companies don't consider that medications can transmute through high quantum energy. This means the ingredients change and can therefore have different effects in the body. In the best case, they are positive effects, in the worst case, they are not. That's why we have programmed the Cube, and all swiped objects are programmed, so that they do not perform transmutations in contact with pharmaceutical medicine.

Updated on: 02/07/2024

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